Cblite tool incompatible with latest couchbase-lite-ios?

I upgraded couchbase-lite-ios to 3.1.4 and now when I try to use cblite to view a db get the error:

Error: Couldn't open database db.cblite2: database is in a newer file format than this software supports (/28)

cblite --version reports:

Couchbase Lite Core 3.0.0 (205)

I have rebuilt cblite from the tip of master of couchbase-mobile-tools, however the resulting cblite has the same problem.

I tried checking out release/3.1 branch of couchbase-mobile-tools, however I haven’t been able to get cblite to build. (See below for errors.)

Am I on the right track here?

release/3.1 branch errors
python build.py results in:

[ 30%] Built target FleeceObjects
[ 30%] Linking C static library libCouchbaseSqlite3.a
[ 30%] Built target CouchbaseSqlite3
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cblite.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [cblite] Error 2

manual build using cmake results in:

[ 27%] Building CXX object LiteCore/vendor/fleece/CMakeFiles/FleeceObjects.dir/ObjC/Value+ObjC.mm.o
[ 27%] Built target FleeceObjects
make: *** [all] Error 2

Building in Xcode:

Defining _LIBCPP_DEBUG is not supported anymore. Please use _LIBCPP_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE instead.
in file included from /Users/phil/dev/couchbase-mobile-tools/vendor/couchbase-lite-core/vendor/sqlite3-unicodesn/stopwordset.cc:12:
in file included from /Applications/Xcode-15.2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/usr/include/c++/v1/cstring:59:

You can get a 3.1.0 version on the GH release page if you are unable to build it yourself.

One hint for building though: The submodule links there are very poorly maintained and so the canonical thing to do is checkout the submodules, and then go into vendor/couchbase-lite-core and checkout release/3.1 (or whatever branch you have checked out on the mobile-tools repo).

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