Hello all,
I scaled up my nodes from 14GIG to 30 GIg each. Now I want to increase Data RAM Quota for my cluster.
I think I am not doing it the right way, see here:
ERROR: unable to set cluster configurations (400) Bad Request
{“errors”:{"_":“Total quota (14000MB) exceeds the maximum allowed quota (13759MB) on node ‘ns_1@cbcluster2-01-us-us-east-1.dev.cld.touchtunes.com’”}}
Anyone can help out?
You can change it in the ADMIN UI in the =>Settings tab.

But looks like cbcluster2-01-us-us-east-1.dev.cld.touchtunes.com is not upgraded to 30GB.
PRO TIP - uses elastic ip ,if you can, couchbase is hostname and ip specific… so if you restart the machine with a new hostname or random ip the couchbase node will not startup. you’ll have to re-install.
I cannot change the settings in the UI, The SAVE button is greyed out.
Thanks for the tip for the IP. I am actually using AWS Internal Route53. If the node explodes, I simply spawn an new instance and change the DNS entry.
Ok I was able to change it with proper values using the cli:
SUCCESS: set cluster settings
My cluster name was incorrect.
Im good now thanks for the help.