February 12, 2019, 11:33am
Using CBL 1.4, SyncGate 2.1.2 and CBS 6.0.0.
Lately I am seeing a lot of warnings like this (where XXXXX is user name):
Changes feed: error getting revision body for “_user/XXXXX” (): 400 Invalid doc ID – db.(*Database).addDocToChangeEntry() at changes.go:124
This warning appears right away after user creation or at first user login.
Should I be worry about?
Sometimes a new user log in and cant get documents from server. But if he closes app and restart it/restart replication everything is ok. Can this strange behaviour be an echo of this warning?
Thanks in advance!
February 12, 2019, 12:23pm
Hi Cyb,
This error is unexpected, although harmless. I’ve dug through the code and we shouldn’t ever be getting to this point for _user/
docs - The issue is described in but was fixed in Sync Gateway 1.5.
Are you able to reproduce this issue by issuing a _changes
request through the REST API too?
Is it only seen for a newly created user, and only seen once per-user? Also how is the Sync Gateway user being created?
February 12, 2019, 1:16pm
Hi, @bbrks !
I create users at backend via admin rest api. This is just from fresh log for a new user:
2019-02-12T15:59:53.311+03:00 [INF] HTTP: #082: POST /db/user/ (as ADMIN)
2019-02-12T15:59:53.322+03:00 [INF] Access: Computed channels for “1o02XP”: !:1
2019-02-12T15:59:53.328+03:00 [INF] Access: Computed roles for “1o02XP”:
2019-02-12T15:59:53.421+03:00 [INF] Cache: Received #14328 ("user/1o02XP")
2019-02-12T15:59:53.421+03:00 [INF] Cache: #14328 ==> channel “"
2019-02-12T15:59:53.421+03:00 [INF] Cache: getCachedChanges(“!”, 14327) → 0 changes valid from #1
2019-02-12T15:59:53.421+03:00 [INF] Cache: getCachedChanges(" ”, 14327) → 1 changes valid from #14328
2019-02-12T15:59:53.421+03:00 [WRN] Changes feed: error getting revision body for "user/1o02XP" (): 400 Invalid doc ID – db.(*Database).addDocToChangeEntry() at changes.go:124
2019-02-12T15:59:53.422+03:00 [INF] Changes: sending 1 change(s)
2019-02-12T15:59:53.424+03:00 [INF] Auth: Saved sync:user:1o02XP: &{roleImpl:{Name :1o02XP ExplicitChannels :1o02XP:14328 Channels : Sequence :14328 PreviousChannels_: vbNo:} userImplBody:
2019-02-12T15:59:53.424+03:00 [INF] HTTP+: #082: → 201 Created (113.3 ms)
This is later when fresh user logged in (or you talking about some other changes request?)
2019-02-12T15:59:54.850+03:00 [INF] HTTP: #085: POST /db/_changes?feed=normal&heartbeat=30000&style=all_docs (as 1o02XP)
2019-02-12T15:59:54.850+03:00 [INF] Changes: MultiChangesFeed(channels: {*}, options: {Since:0 Limit:0 Conflicts:true IncludeDocs:false Wait:false Continuous:false Terminator:0xc4202ba8a0 HeartbeatMs:30000 TimeoutMs:30000
2019-02-12T15:59:54.851+03:00 [INF] Cache: Initialized cache for channel “1o02XP” with options: &{ChannelCacheMinLength:50 ChannelCacheMaxLength:500 ChannelCacheAge:1m0s}
2019-02-12T15:59:54.851+03:00 [INF] Cache: getCachedChanges(“1o02XP”, 14328:0) → 0 changes valid from #14320
2019-02-12T15:59:54.851+03:00 [INF] Cache: Querying ‘channels’ view for “1o02XP” (start=#1, end=#14320, limit=0)
2019-02-12T15:59:54.854+03:00 [INF] Cache: Got no rows from query for channel:“1o02XP”
2019-02-12T15:59:54.854+03:00 [INF] Cache: GetChangesInChannel(“1o02XP”) → 0 rows
2019-02-12T15:59:54.854+03:00 [INF] Cache: getCachedChanges(“!”, 0) → 0 changes valid from #1
2019-02-12T15:59:54.854+03:00 [INF] Changes: MultiChangesFeed done (to 1o02XP)
2019-02-12T15:59:54.854+03:00 [INF] HTTP+: #085: → 200 OK (5.0 ms)
User is being created by Node backend via admin rest api.
Ps. I should mention that sometimes new user already has access to other channels. The logs above taken for new user without any membership in any channels.
February 12, 2019, 2:36pm
Thanks for the detailed logs. I was able to reproduce the error by getting _changes with include_docs=true
To the original questions:
The error is benign, no need to worry about it, although we will look at fixing it in a future release.
That behaviour sounds unrelated to this error, but is something worth investigating more, as it shouldn’t be happening.