Hi there,
I am trying to create a bucket if one doesn’t already exist and create a primary index on it. I’ve found that if I create the bucket and immediately try to run a N1QL query (or anything in fact) on it, it will fail. If I wait a few seconds, it seems to work most of the time. When it fails I get an AggregateException
which contains an InnerException
with just the bucket name and nothing else "{ "bar-data" }"
Is there a way to check that bucket is initialised and ready? Or a way to wait for the create procedure to finish? I’ve had to add a wait in as a (terrible) workaround. See my simplified code below:
var clusterManager = ClusterHelper.Get().CreateManager("user", "pass");
var bucketList = clusterManager.ListBuckets().Value;
if (bucketList == null)
throw new Exception();
var bucketConfig = bucketList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "bar-data");
if (bucketConfig == null)
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); // <-- I want to avoid this.
.Query<dynamic>("CREATE PRIMARY INDEX `bar-data-index` ON `bar-data`;");
Also is there an easier way of checking if a bucket exists?