I’m having a difficult time understanding what is the difference between a scope & a collection in couchbase 7.x
I was using Couchbase 6.x for a previous project and will use Couchbase 7.x in a new project.
I believe I already know how bucket works and why pout data in the same bucket or not.
(For example, I have two sets of data:
- one is small, but frequently updated. I’ll store this in a separate bucket, 100% in memory for fast access
- the other is much larger, and only the keys recently inserted will be frequently accessed. so for this one, I’ll probably use a bucket with only 10% of the data in memory
Without the scopes & collections, I was using two techniques to differentiate between two types of objects in the same bucket:
- either with a key prefix or with an added document property specifying the object type
I believe the key prefix/document property could be replaced with the collection or scopes, but I’m having a hard time deciding which one to use
Any guidance or documentation on this topic would be awesome
Thank you