I was tested version 3.1.5 and have some issue. I am using default scope and default collection. I am using server 6.6.1
With commit 66280e4f9a0bd733caf57db3b1543a2f999d300b library allways get cid.
I have simple program to connect to server and get the document
var bucket = await BucketAsync();
var collection = await bucket.DefaultCollectionAsync();
await collection.GetAsync…
On version 3.1.4 have no problem with same code on 3.1.5 I got this error if i run code at least 6 time (not allways - sometime works)
Get failed exception: Couchbase error message: Exception of type ‘Couchbase.CouchbaseException’ was thrown., contextError: KV Error: {Name=“NO_BUCKET”, Description=“Not connected to any bucket”, Attributes=“conn-state-invalidated”} stack: at Couchbase.Core.ClusterNode.ExecuteOp(Func`4 sender, IOperation op, Object state, CancellationTokenPair tokenPair)
at Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.SendAsync(IOperation op, CancellationTokenPair tokenPair)
at Couchbase.Core.Retry.RetryOrchestrator.RetryAsync(BucketBase bucket, IOperation operation, CancellationTokenPair tokenPair)
at Couchbase.KeyValue.CouchbaseCollection.GetCidAsync(String fullyQualifiedName, Boolean sendAsBody)
at Couchbase.KeyValue.CouchbaseCollection.PopulateCidAsync()
at Couchbase.KeyValue.CouchbaseCollection.GetAsync(String id, GetOptions options)
at Shared.CouchbaseClient.CouchbaseClient.GetWithCasAsync[T](String key, Boolean returnObject) in /home/ubuntu/workspace/4O_Backend/src/Lib.Shared/CouchbaseClient/CouchbaseClient.cs:line 439 message: bucket name: Failed to get document by key: SystemServiceSettingsV1::00000000-0000-0028-000000000000
key: SystemServiceSettingsV1::00000000-0000-0028-000000000000