Client connectivity issue with couchbase server port 11210

Hi team, Please help with the below error.
We configured the connection string in application.yml file and while starting our application server, we are facing the below issue. Please help to resolve this

{“message”:“[com.couchbase.endpoint][EndpointConnectionFailedEvent][10s] Connect attempt 1 failed because of TimeoutException: Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 10000ms in ‘source(MonoDefer)’ (and no fallback has been configured) {"circuitBreaker":"DISABLED","coreId":"0xb9b3d41100000001","remote":"{couchbase server }.:11210","type":"KV"}”,“timestamp”:“2024-04-01T13:19:42.483Z”,“level”:“WARN”,“thread”:“cb-events”}

{“message”:“[com.couchbase.core][InitGlobalConfigFailedEvent][190s] Initializing the global config failed: UNKNOWN {"coreId":"0xab357ef800000001"}”,“timestamp”:“2024-04-01T15:01:46.618Z”,“level”:“WARN”,“thread”:“cb-events”}

Please provide more information. What connection string did you provide? Where is your server? What is consuming application.yaml?

waitUntilReady() gives more detailed diagnostics.
SDK Doctor is useful for troubleshooting SDK connection issues.
A common issue on cloud deployments is to forget to add the client in “Allow IP”, which results in the server not accepting connections from the client.

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