I’m trying to migrate our existing cb client from v2 to 3. (our server is 6.0.1)
For security configuration we use ssl keystore file and ssl keystore password.
How are these params translated to the new v3 security config? I’m not able to find any reference to keystore in the code.
The docs hint that this is moved to CertificateAuthenticator but this is not clear how.
@ashernave currently targeting first tuesday of april. (for the java sdk, we try to do monthly releases on the first tuesday of the month if possible/feasible)
You can use the overloads that accept a KeyStore instead of a Path, namely: SecurityConfig.trustStore(KeyStore) and CertificateAuthenticator.fromKeyStore(KeyStore, String).
To turn a File into a KeyStore:
public static KeyStore readKeyStore(File file, char[] password) throws Exception {
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
store.load(is, password);
return store;
Please let me know are you able to achieve TLS connection from java SDK 3.* clients.
It will be helpful, if I can get some steps and sample as I am facing handshake failure.