Hi ,
I am trying to load data in Mutiprocessing way : fetching the data’s from Oracle and loading into Couchbase by spinning up multiple processors to do the job faster .
I have 4 nodes on K8s … And all services running on 4 of them and data port 11210 is open .
I am getting below errors very intermittently.
couchbase.exceptions._TimeoutError_0x17 (generated, catch TimeoutError): <Key=‘1146073223782’, RC=0x17[Client-Side timeout exceeded for operation. Inspect network conditions or increase the timeout], Operational Error, Results=1, C Source=(src/multiresult.c,316), Tracing Output={“1146073223782”: {“s”: “kv:Unknown”, “c”: “000000002b1bfc76/d71c890cdabdbd45”, “i”: 5593385564260270306, “b”: “BUCKET_TEST”, “l”: “”, “r”: “10.xx.xxx.114:30003”, “t”: 2500000}}>
I used below code for multiprocessing .Any help what can be go wrong ?