Hi, I am new to couchbase. I’ve installed the PHP SDK on an Ubuntu server and I having an interesting issue. I can connect to a remote couchbase server, I can set which bucket i want to work with, but when i go to ‘get’ documents from the bucket I am unable to do so. Here is the code I am using:
<?php //connect to couchbase server $cluster = new CouchbaseCluster('couchbase://systemIP'); $bucket = $cluster->openBucket('default'); $result = $bucket->get('document ID'); echo var_dump($result); ?>the connection and bucket connections cause no issue, but the ‘get’ gives me back the following message:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘CouchbaseException’ with message ‘Client-Side timeout exceeded for operation. Inspect network conditions or increase the timeout’ in [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php:196
Stack trace:
#0 [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php(196): _CouchbaseBucket->get(‘document ID’, Array)
#1 /var/www/html/couchbase/couchbase.php(6): CouchbaseBucket->get(‘document ID’)
#2 {main}
thrown in [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php on line 196
Any help would be greatly appreciated.