I am trying to perform the below operation in N1ql
SET d.children= ARRAY l FOR l IN d.children WHEN l.childId != “123456” END
WHERE ANY v IN d.children SATISFIES v.childId = “123456” END;
Index created as follows CREATE INDEX ix1 ON Test (DISTINCT ARRAY v.childId FOR v IN children END);
This query works fine when performing delete for less number of documents
When trying to perform delete for bulk docs i.e around 36k I am seeing the below error
code”: 12008,
“msg”: “Error performing bulk get operation - cause: {1 errors, starting with bulkget exceeded MaxBulkRetries for test"
Note: Using couchbase Community Edition 6.5.1 build 6299
@vsr1 .Will this delete query perform the same operation as that of the update query? I do not want to delete the entire document but only remove a specific node from an array present in all the documents of couchbase. Please let me know if any other details needed.
Adding retry logic while executing the N1QL queries is the only option?
Could you please help on this?