I’m trying to compile couchbase server from source using a gentoo machine. I followed the instructions but always end up with couchbase 3.0.2 CE. Im using this command to init the local repo:
Thanks for your answer. I did it not exactly like the doc suggests. And that seems to be a problem allthough i don’t understand why. I make a build directory inside the repo and did a:
Could you elaborate? What error messages do you see?
None. Everything goes well. I just have a 3.0.2 build afterwards. Not the expected 4.0.0. When i skip the “making a build directory” part i have a 4.0.0 build. I can live with that i just don’t understand it.
What makes you think you have a 3.0.2 build? That code is definitely 4.0.0 code. Have you got an existing 3.0.2 package installed? If so I imagine you might have some conflict between the files created. I would suggest removing any previous install first and then building 4.0.0-rc with
make install
You should then end up with a 4.0.0-rc build in $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX