Hi. I have created a bucket in my local system and I am trying to connect another node which is located in a remote server. I am able to work with the nodes separately. But I need to join these two nodes to form a cluster. Is there a way to add the remote server node into my local server by using the web UI?
When I tried to add the remote server’s IP address by clicking “Add Server”, I am getting the following error.
“Attention - Prepare join failed. Authentication failed. Verify username and password. Got HTTP status 401 from REST call post to http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8091/engageCluster2. Body was: []”
I used my local server’s username and password. If I give that server’s username and password, I get this error.
Attention - This node cannot add another node (‘ns_1@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX’) because of cluster version compatibility mismatch. Cluster works in [4, 1] mode and node only supports [2, 0].
Is there a way to link them using Java API? Can someone please help me with this?