I have switched to 1.1.0 and I am having the following replication problems (which actually were present also in the previous 1.0.4). The same app on iOS works flawlessly, but only with 1.0.4 installed (with 1.1.0 is crashes).
1- I see many of these infos:
W/Listener﹕ authHeader is null
W/Listener﹕ Unauthorized -- requestCredentials not given or do not match allowed credentials
W/Sync﹕ com.couchbase.lite.replicator.PullerInternal@a298339 no new remote revisions to fetch. add lastInboxSequence (1762) to pendingSequences (com.couchbase.lite.support.SequenceMap@ae422e6)
As a consequence to all these errors, the database is not properly replicated and some items result missing. One thing to notice is that the missing items are always the same.
I have also upgraded the server to 3.1.0 and sync_gateway to 1.1.0, just to be sure that the problem was not there, but no solution there.
My code for replication comes straight from the original ToDoList example and I ave adapted it to my Ionic app.
I have now tried to follow the new tutorial for Ionic (http://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/mobile/1.1.0/develop/references/couchbase-lite/rest-api/server/post-replicate/index.html) using my server as a main replication server.
It seems to work fine on both Android and iOS, so I suppose something changed and I did not track it down.
I will try to upgrade my app using the ionic template example.
Thank you for your support.
Hi. I have moved to ng-couchbase-lite.js functions for the replications, but I am struggling to get the correct replication with Facebook login.
I manage to login into sync_gateway for the replication, since I changed the remote url to :