coreDump Write error: No space left on device

We keep getting Write error: No space left on device during coredumps . It leds to the couchbase server crash and makes the server unstable and needs to be removed and added back to cluster .

we see this message in /var/log/messages
Error writing ‘/var/spool/abrt/’
Write error: No space left on device

We also created link of /var/spool/abrt to /apps which has 300gb free but still gets this error .

Also can we change this coredump location in the couchbase config .

We are runing Couchbase 3.0

What process is the core dump from? If you’re not opening a case or otherwise analyzing the cores, there’s probably not much point in keeping them.

Also, Couchbase Server 3.0 was released in mid to late 2014. 4 years is an eternity in software! If the core dump is from one of the couchbase processes, perhaps one of the upgrades would have fixed it.