Could you please help me to figure out what is correct definition for my FTS indexes?
In my couchbase DB I have 2 types of documents let’s say:
{“id”: “cr_Tbqja”, “type”: “car”, “description” : “Volvo”}
{“id”: “bk_abqja”, “type”: “bike”, “description” : “Mountain bike”}
I have defined 2 FTS indexes (I am not sure if I suppose to have 2).
For both of them I selected:
also first index is “car_fts_index”, having under “Type Mappings” - “car” (selected), also checkbox " only index specified fields" selected.
and second index is “bike_fts_index” with similar definition, having under “Type Mappings” - “bike” (selected), also checkbox “only index specified fields” selected.
What appears strange to me is for both of the indexes I see same number of doc count.
Does this mean it is not indexing separately cars and bikes (by type actually)?
Also is it correct to keep 2 separate FTS indexes, each of them having different type mapping or should I create 1 bigger index having 2 types inside it?
Thanks is advance.