Couchbase CE Core Question

The documentation states:

“The Community Edition comes with limited concurrency and parallelism and supports a maximum of 4 cores per node.”

Does “cores” here refer to vCPUs or physical CPUs?

Within the Query engine, it is as per the definition GOMAXPROCS here:

…the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level Go code simultaneously…

And is set for CE as the lower of 4 and the result from runtime.NumCPU() which is:

…the number of logical CPUs usable by the current process.

This limit also impacts calculations for the number of servicers (the number of requests the Query engine will try to run concurrently) and therefore the size of the request queue (the number of requests that can be queued waiting for a servicer).

(Doesn’t impact the attempted internal parallelism in a plan; just that the multiple routines are run on only that many threads and obviously share time with one another.)