Other commands that worked on 4.0.0 such as the server-info command no longer work, with strange messages:
ERROR: command: server-info:, 'dict' object has no attribute 'dumps'
Notably, the current docs for couchbase-cli don’t even list server-info as an option, so I’m wondering if other things have changed about 4.5.0 or if there are some release notes that speak to couchbase-cli that I’m missing.
The couchbase-cli I’m using is located at /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli inside of the docker container in question.
It’s possible using the REST API to set the setting (without couchbase-cli) and get around this at the moment, but shouldn’t couchbase-cli support this? Or does it already and the website documentation just isn’t up to date?
Thanks - these work-arounds are useful, I’m doing something similar right now in exploration of 4.5.0. But I think the bigger question is, when 4.5.0 came, did it come with a couchbase-cli that knew how to work with it? Wondering if this is considered a separate project or something, and if it’s lagging, when it would be updated.
FWIW, couchbase-cli “cluster-init” supports the memory optimized indexes (–index-storage-setting). I updated your Jira ticket (https://issues.couchbase.com/browse/MB-20062) with that as well.
Those other errors look a bit curious. I’m using the same commands in my own scripts and they work without issue. I’ll have our tools engineer take a look.