Couchbase: Create Index on Array containing Array of objects

I am trying to create an index on the following structure:

"creators": [
        "ag_name": "Travel",
        "ag_ids": [
                "id": "1234",
                "type": "TEST"

The index that I created is the following:

CREATE INDEX `Test_Index` ON `bucket`((ARRAY(ARRAY [t.ag_name, v] FOR v IN OBJECT_VALUES(t.`ag_ids`) END) FOR t IN `indexed_data`.`pos` END))
WHERE ((SUBSTR0((META().`id`), 0, 2) = "tt") AND (`indexed_data` IS VALUED))


I started using couchbase a couple of hours ago. I was wondering. Is the index that I created correct? I mean it is being created successfully. But I am not sure if it’s covering all the fields including the ones in the substructure array


FROM bucket
WHERE SUBSTR0((META().`id`), 0, 2) = "tt"
AND indexed_data.reservation_type = "HOLA"
AND chain_code="FOO1"
AND indexed_data.property_code="BAR1"
AND ANY creator IN indexed_data.creators SATISFIES creator.ag_name="FOO" END
AND ANY creator IN indexed_data.creators SATISFIES (ANY ag in creator.ag_ids SATISFIES"1234" END AND ANY ag in creator.ag_ids SATISFIES ag.type="TEST" END) END

The only way above query you can have covering index indexed_data.creators ARRAY as whole. Example 1 at Array Indexing | Couchbase Docs. You can also create ARRAY index one of the field from ARRAY. As you are referencing multiple fields from array you will not able to use Implicit Covering Array Index that described above link

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON bucket (chain_code,indexed_data.reservation_type, indexed_data.property_code,  indexed_data.creators ) 
    WHERE SUBSTR0((META().`id`), 0, 2) = "tt";

Also you are doing AND of multiple ANY clauses of same ARRAY. i.e. means it can match with any position in the array If need same position have all matched you should use following query.

FROM bucket
WHERE SUBSTR0((META().`id`), 0, 2) = "tt"
   AND indexed_data.reservation_type = "HOLA"
   AND chain_code="FOO1"
   AND indexed_data.property_code="BAR1"
   AND (ANY c IN indexed_data.creators
        SATISFIES c.ag_name = "FOO"
           AND (ANY ag IN c.ag_ids
                SATISFIES = "1234" AND ag.type = "TEST"