the docs are grey around this issue or am i completely missing something?
Is there another method for connecting couchbase and elasticsearch?
Thanks in advance
You would want to check the compatibility documentation:
As you can see as long as you have the proper Java SDK installed and your networking is set up properly (firewalls, routes, etc), it “should” work.
The connector is the best way we have to connect Elastic to Couchbase Server.
Hi Aaron
thank you for the fast reply
I have been trying to go ahead with the elasticsearch cbes.bat and get the error
Error: Could not find or load main class com.couchbase.connector.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchConnector
wondering if you can make things easier for me before trying to dive farther…
Can you validate your JAVA_HOME is set the the proper path in Windows to the Java SDK. What version of the Java SDK are you using?
Hi mazorsk,
Thank you for reaching out.
I have to set your expectations by saying Windows is not a supported platform for the Elasticsearch connector. The Getting Started guide says:
Linux is required for production deployments. macOS is fine for experimentation and development, but is not officially supported.
(This information was missing from the Compatibility page Aaron linked to… it will be there tomorrow.)
I’m not aware of a reason Windows couldn’t be made to work… it’s just not something we test.
I took a quick look at the build.gradle
file that generates the launch scripts. It looks like it does some things for the Linux script that it does not do for Windows. If you’re willing to get your hands dirty, this is where I would recommend starting your investigation.