Hi all,
I am trying to install Couchbase 6.6 on a RH8 and i am facing the following issues:
I need to install on a different directory instead of /opt, meaning, when I install, following the guidelines from Install Couchbase Server on Red Hat Enterprise and CentOS | Couchbase Docs Archive for root,everything works as expected, however I am unable to move/relocate the installation to a different directory.
Then I attempted to follow the guidelines for the non-root and I am unable to install couchbase at all which prompts the following error:
couchbase@vg07vr:/opt/SP/couchbase $ ./cb-non-package-installer --install --install-location ../cbinstall --package ../couchbase-server-enterprise-6.6.0-centos8.x86_64.rpm
./cb-non-package-installer: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: failed to map segment from shared object
Then I’ve attempted to use the old guidelines from 6.0 using rpm2cpio (Install Couchbase Server on Red Hat Enterprise and CentOS | Couchbase Docs Archive) and it works fine without any issue as well:
couchbase@vg07vr:/opt/SP/cbinstall $ rpm2cpio couchbase-server-enterprise-6.6.0-centos8.x86_64.rpm | cpio --extract --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames
1736600 blocks
couchbase@vg07vr:/opt/SP/cbinstall $ ls -lrt
total 370024
-rwxr-x---. 1 couchbase couchbase 378903728 Nov 26 15:49 couchbase-server-enterprise-6.6.0-centos8.x86_64.rpm
drwxr-x---. 3 couchbase couchbase 23 Nov 26 15:49 opt
drwxr-x---. 3 couchbase couchbase 17 Nov 26 15:50 usr
couchbase@vg07vr:/opt/SP/cbinstall $
couchbase@vg07vr:/opt/SP/cbinstall/opt $ cp -R couchbase /opt/SP/
couchbase@vg07vr:/opt/SP/cbinstall/opt $ cd /opt/SP/couchbase/
couchbase@vg07vr:~ $ ll
total 96
drwxr-x---. 5 couchbase couchbase 4096 Nov 26 15:52 bin
drwxr-x---. 7 couchbase couchbase 107 Nov 26 15:52 etc
drwxr-x---. 14 couchbase couchbase 4096 Nov 26 15:52 lib
-rw-r-----. 1 couchbase couchbase 42901 Nov 26 15:52 LICENSE.txt
-rw-r-----. 1 couchbase couchbase 22078 Nov 26 15:52 manifest.xml
-rw-r-----. 1 couchbase couchbase 1669 Nov 26 15:52 README.txt
drwxr-x---. 2 couchbase couchbase 80 Nov 26 15:52 samples
drwxr-x---. 4 couchbase couchbase 32 Nov 26 15:52 share
drwxr-x---. 3 couchbase couchbase 17 Nov 26 15:52 var
-rw-r-----. 1 couchbase couchbase 8 Nov 26 15:52 VARIANT.txt
-rw-r-----. 1 couchbase couchbase 11 Nov 26 15:52 VERSION.txt
couchbase@vg07vr:~ $ ./bin/install/reloc.sh `pwd`
couchbase@vg07vr:~ $ ./bin/couchbase-server \-- -noinput -detached
So my question is, and since we are planning as well to install the same on a production environment, how can we proceed with the installation if:
- Need the installation on a different folder instead of /opt
- How to install/address the installation using the cb-non-package-installer?
- Is the rpm2cpio viable for installation or should no longer be used?
Thanks for the support and clarification.