thank you balke and sandy. You were right there was an issue with one machine in the network. I change the SG machine and now I can successfully replicate from client to SG to server.
I have one, I hope small issue, left.
At the moment I can replicate successfully if I use the SG adminInterface. if I use the normal interface I get an authentication 401 error, here is the client log:
2019-5-24 04:54:41.976+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Database] (Startup) [1] CouchbaseLite/2.5.0 (.NET; Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 ) Build/190 LiteCore/2.5.0 (1782) Commit/8bb2c29-0080df3
2019-5-24 04:54:41.982+02:00 [1]| WARNING) [Database] (Database) [1] Database.SetLogLevel is deprecated, use Database.Log.Console instead.
2019-5-24 04:54:41.984+02:00 [1]| WARNING) [Database] (Database) [1] Database.SetLogLevel is deprecated, use Database.Log.Console instead.
2019-5-24 04:54:41.998+02:00 [1]| WARNING) [Database] (Logging) [1] Database.Log.File.Config is null, meaning file logging is disabled. Log files required for product support are not being generated
2019-5-24 04:54:42.122+02:00 [1]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1}==> class litecore::SQLiteDataFile D:\Innovationsprojekte\CouchbaseMobile\CouchbaseLiteConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\CouchbaseLite\plappd
b.cblite2\db.sqlite3 @000000BEF0F55170
2019-5-24 04:54:42.129+02:00 [1]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1} begin transaction
2019-5-24 04:54:42.147+02:00 [1]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1} Saved '-lXlkIimt50WsrMCVdtU9Ng' rev #1-7dbbff423b08fe739943a147a25ddc8a1f4db4b1 as seq 51
2019-5-24 04:54:42.154+02:00 [1]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1} commit transaction
2019-5-24 04:54:45.056+02:00 [5]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1} begin transaction
2019-5-24 04:54:45.059+02:00 [5]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1} abort transaction
2019-5-24 04:54:45.065+02:00 [5]| INFO) [Database] (Database) [5] DB[D:\Innovationsprojekte\CouchbaseMobile\CouchbaseLiteConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\CouchbaseLite\plappdb.cblite2\] purged 0 expir
ed documents
2019-5-24 04:54:45.068+02:00 [5]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#1} Next expiration time is 0
2019-5-24 04:54:45.071+02:00 [5]| INFO) [Database] (Database) [5] No pending doc expirations
2019-5-24 04:54:49.141+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Replicator] (Replicator) [1] Replicator[<*> ws://]: Starting
2019-5-24 04:54:49.162+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Database] {DB#2}==> class litecore::SQLiteDataFile D:\Innovationsprojekte\CouchbaseMobile\CouchbaseLiteConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\CouchbaseLite\plappdb.c
blite2\db.sqlite3 @000000BEF0FB0750
2019-5-24 04:54:49.164+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Database] {DB#2} Opening database
2019-5-24 04:54:49.166+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Network] {Connection#3}==> class litecore::blip::Connection ->ws:// @000000BEF0F24310
2019-5-24 04:54:49.167+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Network] {Connection#3} Opening connection...
2019-5-24 04:54:49.169+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Replicator] Starting Scheduler<000000BEEEE12520> with 4 threads
2019-5-24 04:54:49.171+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4}==> class litecore::repl::Replicator D:\Innovationsprojekte\CouchbaseMobile\CouchbaseLiteConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\CouchbaseLite\pla
ppdb.cblite2\ ->ws:// @000000BEF201BCE8
2019-5-24 04:54:49.173+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} Push=continuous, Pull=continuous, Options={{auth:{password:"********", type:"Basic", username:"sync_gateway"}, headers:{User-Agent:"Couch
baseLite/2.5.0 (.NET; Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 ) Build/190 LiteCore/2.5.0 (1782) Commit/8bb2c29-0080df3"}}}
2019-5-24 04:54:49.183+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Replicator] (Replicator) [1] Replicator[<*> ws://] is Connecting, progress 0/0
2019-5-24 04:54:49.187+02:00 [1]| INFO) [Replicator] (Replicator) [1] Replicator[<*> ws://] is Connecting, progress 0/0
client.Replicate() called
2019-5-24 04:54:49.287+02:00 [6]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} activityLevel=connecting: connectionState=1
2019-5-24 04:54:49.301+02:00 [10]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {DBWorker#5}==> class litecore::repl::DBWorker ->ws:// @000000BEF2084828
2019-5-24 04:54:49.304+02:00 [10]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {DBWorker#5} Checkpoint doc ID = cp-6VogQosg0pvaRPus+73CbXy8UyM=
2019-5-24 04:54:49.307+02:00 [10]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {DBWorker#5} Remote-DB ID 8 found for target <ws://>
2019-5-24 04:54:49.309+02:00 [10]| INFO) [Replicator] {DBWorker#5} activityLevel=idle: pendingResponseCount=0, eventCount=1, activeDocs=0
2019-5-24 04:54:49.311+02:00 [10]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {DBWorker#5} now idle
2019-5-24 04:54:49.318+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} No local checkpoint 'cp-6VogQosg0pvaRPus+73CbXy8UyM='
2019-5-24 04:54:49.320+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} activityLevel=connecting: connectionState=1
2019-5-24 04:54:49.321+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} pushStatus=busy, pullStatus=busy, dbStatus=idle, progress=0/0
2019-5-24 04:54:49.323+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} activityLevel=connecting: connectionState=1
2019-5-24 04:54:49.341+02:00 [9]| WARNING) [Replicator] (WindowsProxy) [9] Call to WinHttpGetProxyForUrl failed (possible direct connection)...
2019-5-24 04:54:49.392+02:00 [14]| INFO) [Replicator] (WebSocketWrapper) [14] WebSocket connecting to
2019-5-24 04:54:49.413+02:00 [17]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] (WebSocketWrapper) [17] WebSocket sent HTTP request...
2019-5-24 04:54:49.417+02:00 [17]| INFO) [Replicator] (HTTPLogic) [17] HTTP auth failed
2019-5-24 04:54:49.429+02:00 [17]| INFO) [Replicator] (WebSocketWrapper) [17] WebSocket CLOSED WITH ERROR: Couchbase.Lite.CouchbaseNetworkException: CouchbaseLiteException (WebSocketDomain / 401): (u
nknown HTTP status).
2019-5-24 04:54:49.434+02:00 [6]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} activityLevel=connecting: connectionState=1
2019-5-24 04:54:49.461+02:00 [19]| WARNING) [Network] {C4SocketImpl#6}==> class litecore::repl::C4SocketImpl ws:// @000000BEEEE87160
2019-5-24 04:54:49.463+02:00 [19]| WARNING) [Network] {C4SocketImpl#6} Unexpected or unclean socket disconnect! (reason=WebSocket status, code=401)
2019-5-24 04:54:49.468+02:00 [19]| INFO) [Network] {C4SocketImpl#6} sent 0 bytes, rcvd 0, in 0.000 sec (-nan(ind)/sec, -nan(ind)/sec)
2019-5-24 04:54:49.476+02:00 [10]| INFO) [Network] {Connection#3} Closed with WebSocket status 401: CouchbaseLiteException (WebSocketDomain / 401): (unknown HTTP status).
2019-5-24 04:54:49.483+02:00 [20]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} Connection closed with WebSocket status 401: "CouchbaseLiteException (WebSocketDomain / 401): (unknown HTTP status)." (state=1)
2019-5-24 04:54:49.485+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {DBWorker#5} activityLevel=idle: pendingResponseCount=0, eventCount=1, activeDocs=0
2019-5-24 04:54:49.487+02:00 [20]| ERROR) [Replicator] {Repl#4} Got LiteCore error: WebSocket error 401 "CouchbaseLiteException (WebSocketDomain / 401): (unknown HTTP status)."
2019-5-24 04:54:49.489+02:00 [20]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {Repl#4} progress +0/+0, 0 docs -- now 0 / 0, 0 docs
2019-5-24 04:54:49.491+02:00 [20]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} activityLevel=stopped: connectionState=-1
2019-5-24 04:54:49.493+02:00 [20]| INFO) [Replicator] {Repl#4} now stopped
2019-5-24 04:54:49.494+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Push#7}==> class litecore::repl::Pusher ->ws:// @000000BEF20892E8
2019-5-24 04:54:49.496+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Push#7} activityLevel=stopped: pendingResponseCount=0, caughtUp=0, changeLists=0, revsInFlight=0, blobsInFlight=0, awaitingReply=0, revsToSend=0
, pendingSequences=0
2019-5-24 04:54:49.498+02:00 [11]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {Push#7} now stopped
2019-5-24 04:54:49.500+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] BLIP sent 0 msgs (0 bytes), rcvd 0 msgs (0 bytes) in 0.329 sec. Max outbox depth was 0, avg -nan(ind)
2019-5-24 04:54:49.502+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Pull#8}==> class litecore::repl::Puller ->ws:// @000000BEF2089578
2019-5-24 04:54:49.504+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Replicator] {Pull#8} activityLevel=stopped: pendingResponseCount=0, _caughtUp=0, _waitingForChangesCallback=0, _pendingRevMessages=0, _activeIncomingRevs=0
2019-5-24 04:54:49.505+02:00 [20]| INFO) [Replicator] (Replicator) [20] Permanent error encountered (WebSocketDomain / 401), giving up...
2019-5-24 04:54:49.506+02:00 [11]| VERBOSE) [Replicator] {Pull#8} now stopped
2019-5-24 04:54:49.509+02:00 [11]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#2} Pre-close housekeeping: 0 of 11 pages free (0%)
2019-5-24 04:54:49.511+02:00 [11]| VERBOSE) [Database] {DB#2} Closed SQLite database
2019-5-24 04:54:49.512+02:00 [11]| INFO) [Database] {DB#2} Closing database
2019-5-24 04:54:49.515+02:00 [20]| INFO) [Replicator] (Replicator) [20] Replicator[<*> ws://] is Stopped, progress 0/0