We are building a kotlin application with couchbase-lite-java-ee:2.8.3
. The development environment is mac. Replication basically is not working. No documents are being pulled from sync_gateway. Below are the details.
when the replication is started with DEBUG logging enabled on ALL_DOMAINS, we are getting the logs available here.
i am not sure, but the line 20 in the logs is the following :
V/CouchbaseLite/NETWORK:WebSocketListener opened with response Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=101, message=Switching Protocols, url=http://localhost:4984/test/_blipsync}
wondering why the protocol is being switched to http.
My development setup
- Couchbase Server : enterprise-7.0.0-beta in docker (have tried with 6.5.0 as well but no luck with that too)
- Sync Gateway : enterprise -2.8.1 in docker
- Java : openjdk version “1.8.0_282”
The test db has just one document in it. I browsed through the <sync gateway url>/_admin/
console and as best as i can tell, everything looks normal.
Anyone has any idea as to why this could be failing? My hunch says there is some very basic networking/configuration issue with no errors to help us in the right direction.