I’m building a new solution using CB Lite and Sync Gateway. I’m on newest CB server, Sync Gateway and CB Lite - and willl update if any updates are relevant
For testing purposes I have set up a CB cluster in my demo environment - not on the same box as I have the application. The users access the application server via HTTPS - and I have set up an Nginx server in front of it to lift off the SSL.
With this app I’ll have a few REST calls (e.g. when registering a user or changing password) - but the majority of the data transfer will be done by CB Lite via the Sync Gateway. As I understand it that happens on port 4984 - and therefore this port will have to be open into my environment. So I have the following questions:
Can I run on the same SSL connection into my Nginx (just using port 4984 - and redirect sync. traffic to the db cluster)?
When users are in e.g. hotels there may be restrictions to what ports you can use. Will using port 4984 not create a problem for users on such restricted networks? If so, can the sync. run on a “standard” port instead?
These questions may be obvious to you - and just an expression of my lack of knowledge
Thanks in advance!