Couchbase lite query equivalent to N1QL

I have documents of following struct:
“Name”: Doc1,
“Tag”: [
“Text”: “a”

“Name”: Doc2,
“Tag”: [
“Text”: “b”

“Name”: Doc3,
“Tag”: [
“Text”: “c”

“Name”: Doc4,
“Tag”: [
“Text”: “a”
“Text”: “b”

to get now a distinct for the tags and the number of elements i use

"SELECT DISTINCT s.Text as Tag, " +
"COUNT(s) as Count " +
"FROM " + context.Name.AddGraveAccent() + " " +
“d UNNEST d.Tag AS s WHERE d.Type =’” + typeof(tt).Name + "’ " +
“AND s.Text IS NOT NULL Group by s”;

and i will get a result for each tag and their count:

a, 2,
b, 2,
c, 1,

I know that unnest is not possible with cblite but maybe someone has an idea how to approach this result also in cblite!

Thank you!

I don’t have a workaround for you, but we are working on UNNEST support for CBL (no schedule yet.)

Thank you for the info, but wouldn’t it be possible to use smthg. like this

var searchQuery = QueryBuilder.SelectDistinct(

The problem is that the SelectResult cannot refer to sub property Tag.Text. Or can this maybe solved via a variable declaration?

Any informations about UNNEST in N1QL?
I tries to find workaround but it is pain in the …