In Windows Forms Application, Couchbase Lite v2.7.1 is upgraded to v2.8.0. In this version, we are facing an initialization exception like the attached image. Can anyone help me with this?
Have you update the Couchbase Lite version to 2.8 including the Couchbase Lite Support nuget package in your project?
@Sandy_Chuang Yes, Couchbase.Lite and Couchbase.Lite.Support both are upgraded to v2.8.0
@venkatreddy Can you double check if LiteCore.dll in your installation package is from CBL 2.8, not from the old version?
And can you retrieve the CBL log? It will show which version of LiteCore you are using.
Hi @Sandy_Chuang , can not retrieve CBL log because CB is not initializing by this exception. So how to know LiteCore.dll version? And how to install LiteCore.dll latest?
Make sure you remove the bin folder and the obj folder from your project folders, and make sure you are you are using Couchbase Lite 2.8 and Couchbase Lite Support 2.8 nuget packages. Then recompile the solution. Clear nuget cache(s) if necessary. The goal is to remove the stalled old libraries (especially LiteCore library for this case).
Thank you @Sandy_Chuang , above solution solved my problem