Couchbase operator logging fluent bit configuration fails

I was attempting to implement the fluent bit logging filter so that my fluent bit logging containers would emit just the audit logs instead of all logs. The example in the documents fails:

I thought I would inspect the configuration as referenced in the same document, but it’s been removed:

It seems all of the configuration files have been removed.

Continuing my investigation, I pulled the docker image of the fluent-bit couchbase container from here:

and inspected the container. I find that one of the referenced config files in the example (from first link above) is located at fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/parsers-couchbase.conf and not fluent-bit/etc/parsers-couchbase.conf

Is this supported any more? If so, it’s not working.

Just FYI - for those who ran into the problem with the config in the docs. The below is a config that will work. The issue with the docs is that the path names are incorrect.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: fluent-bit-config
fluent-bit.conf: |
@include /fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/kubernetes-service.conf
@include /fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/input/in-tail-audit-log.conf
@include /fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/filter/filter-handle-levels.conf
@include /fluent-bit/etc/couchbase/filter/filter-handle-filenames.conf

    Name modify
    Match couchbase.log.*
    Add pod ${HOSTNAME}
    Add logshipper couchbase.sidecar.fluentbit

    name  stdout
    match couchbase.log.audit

Thanks for letting us know. I will alert the docs team.