Hi Team,
We are perfroming a load test for CB 7.2 server version. To achieve our goal we want populate data in data1 bucket with rate limit of 8k with help of below command.
[root@localhost bin]# date; /opt/couchbase/bin/cbc-pillowfight -U couchbase://xx.xx.xx.xx/data1 -u Administrator -P Matrix@123 --min-size 1000 --max-size 1000 --json --set-pct 100 --batch-size 1 --num-items 100000000 --sequential --num-threads 1 --rate-limit 3000 --key-prefix a; date
Wed May 22 17:42:10 IST 2024
Running. Press Ctrl-C to terminate...
OPS/SEC: 970
Termination requested. Waiting threads to finish. Ctrl-C to force termination.
Wed May 22 18:02:04 IST 2
The host from which cbc-pillowfight is running having resources
(8 cpus,12 GB RAM)
but as you are seeing the OPS/SEC is max reaching in 1k/s.
Could you please help me why this happening.