Couchbase Pillowfight Rate Limit Issue

Hi Team,

We are perfroming a load test for CB 7.2 server version. To achieve our goal we want populate data in data1 bucket with rate limit of 8k with help of below command.

[root@localhost bin]# date; /opt/couchbase/bin/cbc-pillowfight -U couchbase://xx.xx.xx.xx/data1 -u Administrator -P Matrix@123 --min-size 1000 --max-size 1000 --json --set-pct 100 --batch-size 1 --num-items 100000000 --sequential --num-threads 1 --rate-limit 3000 --key-prefix a; date
Wed May 22 17:42:10 IST 2024
Running. Press Ctrl-C to terminate...
OPS/SEC:        970
Termination requested. Waiting threads to finish. Ctrl-C to force termination.
Wed May 22 18:02:04 IST 2

The host from which cbc-pillowfight is running having resources

(8 cpus,12 GB RAM)

but as you are seeing the OPS/SEC is max reaching in 1k/s.
Could you please help me why this happening.


How many of those cpus are being used? (hint: num-threads)

Don’t specify --rate-limit 3000

We are using only one thread as per the above command. Sorry for the typo. Even the rate limit is 3k but it is no where touching near to that limit.


Have you considered using more than one rhread?

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