Hi @jon.strabala ,
Thank you for your response.
Please find my answers below:
Is your docker instance running on Linux, MacOS, or a PC?
Docker is running on Linux.
Does your hypervisor run other VMs?
Only docker is running. (let me know if you expect some other detail)
How many documents do you have?
[in current idle state]
“interestingStats”: {
“cmd_get”: 0,
“couch_docs_actual_disk_size”: 1159702158,
“couch_docs_data_size”: 1083027893,
“couch_spatial_data_size”: 0,
“couch_spatial_disk_size”: 0,
“couch_views_actual_disk_size”: 0,
“couch_views_data_size”: 0,
“curr_items”: 22333,
** “curr_items_tot”: 22333,**
“ep_bg_fetched”: 0,
“get_hits”: 0,
“mem_used”: 1938554944,
“ops”: 0,
“vb_active_num_non_resident”: 16264,
“vb_replica_curr_items”: 0
In actual run documents will be dynamically created/deleted/updated.
How many indexes do you have?
we have 20 indexes created.
What is your mutation rate (or number of changes per second)?
As I mentioned before, System is idle , no operations on couchbase (please let me know if you expect some other detail. )
When you say 7 CPU ( I assume you mean vCPUs or 1/2 a core) right?
Yes 7vCPU.
The pod is running since 24+hrs. I am also adding some details from ‘couchbase-cli server-info’. Please see below.
“cbasMemoryQuota”: 2130,
“eventingMemoryQuota”: 256,
“ftsMemoryQuota”: 1024,
“hostname”: “[::1]:8091”,
“indexMemoryQuota”: 1024,
“interestingStats”: {
“cmd_get”: 0,
“couch_docs_actual_disk_size”: 1159702158,
“couch_docs_data_size”: 1083027893,
“couch_spatial_data_size”: 0,
“couch_spatial_disk_size”: 0,
“couch_views_actual_disk_size”: 0,
“couch_views_data_size”: 0,
“curr_items”: 22333,
“curr_items_tot”: 22333,
“ep_bg_fetched”: 0,
“get_hits”: 0,
“mem_used”: 1938554944,
“ops”: 0,
“vb_active_num_non_resident”: 16264,
“vb_replica_curr_items”: 0
“mcdMemoryAllocated”: 617993,
“mcdMemoryReserved”: 617993,
“memoryQuota”: 4000,
“nodeEncryption”: false,
“os”: “x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu”,
“ports”: {
“direct”: 11210,
“distTCP”: 21100,
“distTLS”: 21150,
“httpsCAPI”: 18092,
“httpsMgmt”: 18091
“recoveryType”: “none”,
“services”: [
“status”: “healthy”,
“storageTotals”: {
“ram”: {
“quotaTotal”: 4194304000,
“quotaTotalPerNode”: 4194304000,
“quotaUsed”: 2726297600,
“quotaUsedPerNode”: 2726297600,
“total”: 16106127360,
“used”: 6935519232,
“usedByData”: 1938554944
“systemStats”: {
“allocstall”: 0,
“cpu_stolen_rate”: 0,
“cpu_utilization_rate”: 30.19281732614457,
“mem_limit”: 16106127360,
“swap_total”: 0,
“swap_used”: 0
“uptime”: “96993”
Looking forward to your comments/suggestions.