I have a single node couchbase server running 4.6.3, I shut it down and created/deployed a new docker image (using couchbase:community-5.0.1 ) and now the server won’t start. It’s running in a docker container and the output at start up is:
Attaching to acmaster_couchbase-server_1
couchbase-server_1 | Waiting 20 seconds for Couchbase service to start
couchbase-server_1 | Starting Couchbase Server -- Web UI available at http://<ip>:8091 and logs available in /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs
couchbase-server_1 | ERROR: Unable to connect to host at http://localhost:8091
couchbase-server_1 | Couchbase server is ready
couchbase-server_1 | /entrypoint.sh couchbase-server
This is my first upgrade of Couchbase - I could’t find any release specific upgrade instructions on the website; the server automatically upgrades itself at start up?
I followed your instructions but when I start the new container and my entry script runs to configure the cluster it can’t connect to the couchbase server on it’s local host port. Here’s my script that worked with the previous version
set -m
/entrypoint.sh couchbase-server &
/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server -v
echo 'Waiting 30 seconds for Couchbase service to start'
sleep 30
source /run/secrets/couchbase
# configure the cluster
echo 'Configuring Cluster'
/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init -c localhost:8091 \
--cluster-username=$USERNAME \
--cluster-password=$PASSWORD \
--cluster-port=8091 \
--cluster-ramsize=512 \
I get these logs:
couchbase-server_1 | Couchbase Server 5.0.1-5003 (CE)
couchbase-server_1 | Waiting 30 seconds for Couchbase service to start
couchbase-server_1 | Configuring Cluster
couchbase-server_1 | ERROR: Unable to connect to host at http://localhost:8091
I reverted to 4.63 and your process works fine. And to answer my own question there are a lot more processes running. So 5.0.1-5003 (CE) apparently isn’t starting up correctly. I’ll try the non-CE image.
OK I figured out what was going on. Even though I was creating a new container based on 5.0.1 CE it was re-using the /opt/couchbase/var Docker Volume which had 4.63 config/data persisted in it. So once I saved my backup I deleted the volume, created the new image, started the container and then everything started correctly.