Couchbase-server auto stop white add more nodes

Hi everyone, We faced a big problem but still can not fix until now. So we are really need you guys support :frowning:

I have tried to add more nodes server for a cluster, we are using this document:

But when we filled all information, then click button “add server”, the original couchbase server will be auto stopped. After checked logs, I see the error appear like these image. I dont know what we can do its for now. Hope you guys can support. Thank you so much!.

What edition and version of Couchbase are you using?

Hi, this is my version:
Enterprise Edition 6.5.1 build 6299

Okay thanks. That version is quite old and has been end-of-life for almost a year: Enterprise Software Support Policy | Couchbase

Would you be able to try this with a newer version to rule out the many bug fixes that have been applied? Also, if you have a license with Couchbase, I’d suggest opening a support ticket so that we can gather and analyse the logs. However, as I mentioned above, this version is end-of-life and so the support team will likely make the same recommendation to upgrade to a newer version.

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