Couchbase Server Console isn't opening

Hi, I’m trying to use Couchbase Server after installation.
I have installed couchbase-server-community_7.2.2- and when I’m opens the console, the browser getting opened but nothing happens then, I’m getting unreachable website to the local host
I have this SS:

this is the logs:
[ns_server:info,2023-12-05T17:27:06.802+02:00,babysitter_of_ns_1@cb.local:<0.118.0>:ns_babysitter:init_logging:137]Brought up babysitter logging
[ns_server:info,2023-12-05T17:27:06.838+02:00,babysitter_of_ns_1@cb.local:<0.118.0>:ns_babysitter:log_pending:102]Static config terms:
[{error_logger_mf_dir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/var/lib/couchbase/logs”},
{path_config_bindir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/bin”},
{path_config_etcdir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/etc/couchbase”},
{path_config_libdir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/lib”},
{path_config_datadir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/var/lib/couchbase”},
{path_config_tmpdir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/var/lib/couchbase/tmp”},
{path_config_secdir,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/etc/security”},
{nodefile,“C:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/var/lib/couchbase/couchbase-server.node”},
[ns_server:info,2023-12-05T17:27:06.875+02:00,babysitter_of_ns_1@cb.local:sigar<0.126.0>:sigar:spawn_sigar:137]Spawning sigar process ‘portsigar for babysitter_of_ns_1@cb.local’(“c:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/bin/sigar_port”) with babysitter pid: 5204 and log file “c:/Program Files/Couchbase/Server/var/lib/couchbase/logs/sigar_port.log”
=========================CRASH REPORT=========================
initial call: application_master:init/4
pid: <0.117.0>
exception exit: {bad_return,
in function application_master:init/4 (application_master.erl, line 142)
ancestors: [<0.116.0>]
message_queue_len: 1
messages: [{‘EXIT’,<0.118.0>,normal}]
links: [<0.116.0>,<0.44.0>]
trap_exit: true
status: running
heap_size: 376
stack_size: 29
reductions: 175

=========================NOTICE REPORT=========================
application: ns_babysitter
exited: {bad_return,
type: permanent

thank you

You should get a page asking to create or join a cluster. If you installed on localhost and the browser is opened on localhost, that is the correct url and should redirect to the Couchbase web ui. Try reinstalling.

Empty Response returned when the kv endpoint is accessed with a browser, but the kv endpoint is port 11210 (not 8091 as in your screen shot) so it doesn’t appear that had happened

Hi @mreiche , I tried reinstallation many times, still nothing happens after opening the Console.
it’s not redirecting to the Couchbase to web ui…

Open the 8091 firewall port

I meet the same problem, and tried to open the 8091 firewall port, it didn’t work for me, did you got this fixed? If so, I’m so happy you can share with me.

It’s resolved after reinstallation of version 7.2.0-5325

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