Couchbase Server Enterprise 7.0 - Metrics


I am using CB Server Enterprise 7.0 and I have setup a dashboard in Grafana showing many metrics that this version exports by default. Actually, there is not so much information in the CB documentacion about what each metric does ( Metrics Reference | Couchbase Docs), and I miss some useful metrics that we were able to get via couchbase-exporter (GitHub - couchbase/couchbase-exporter: Couchbase Prometheus Exporter) in other previous CB versions like cbnode_up, cbnode_healthy, and even some metrics offering information about rebalance and grateful failover (like cbnode_grateful_failover_fail, or cbnode_rebalance_progress).
Do you have any additional detail on the metrics available for 7.0 version, o do you know how I would be able to get such kind of metrics for that server version?

Thanks in advance,

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Hi @isa_pr, apologies for the delay in answering this one.

We’re currently working on an improved metrics reference for Couchbase Server 7.0 onwards, and expect that to be published very soon now (over the next few weeks).

From Server 7.x, there is no need to use an exporter as we have a native metrics scrape point, and those metrics you mentioned were injected as part of the exporter. I don’t currently have any suggestions to replace them, but will bear them in mind for future releases.