Couchbase Server Memory Quotas

Hi Team,

In our environment, we are only using the [data,query,index] services of CB but while creating cluster for Analytics services why it requiring minimum of 1GB of memory quota.

Could you please help me to understand this.


Hi @Debasis_Mallick ,

The Analytics Quota setting will only be used if you add any nodes with the Analytics Service enabled - it’s just part of the cluster initialisation to set all the service quotas.


@Debasis_Mallick - you can use the “Leave Additional Feedback” link in the documentation to suggest clarification.

Thanks @malarky for your reply. But in our deployment we never subscribed to Analytics service so why CB required 1 GB of memory quotas while initializing the CB cluster.


@Debasis_Mallick The quota won’t be used until you add any nodes that use the Analytics Service. The nodes in your cluster will only need the quotas for the services that you have selected for those nodes.