Hi All,
With springdata couchbase 4.1.1 and SpringBoot 2.4 along with couchbase 7 beta server below query annotated repository method is throwing error. @Query(“SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} WHERE #{#n1ql.filter}”)
Long getProjectCountNickel();
It throws below error.
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.ReactiveFindByQueryOperationSupport$ReactiveFindByQuerySupport.lambda$null$1(ReactiveFindByQueryOperationSupport.java:100)
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.onNext(FluxMap.java:106)
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoFlatMapMany$FlatMapManyInner.onNext(MonoFlatMapMany.java:250)
How ever "SELECT count(*) as count FROM test WHERE _class = “com.example.couchbase7upgrade.model.Project” query works fine in the consoleweb.
Same error happens when projections with Dtos are executed
@Query(“SELECT name,code FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} WHERE #{#n1ql.filter} AND name = $1 ORDER BY name DESC”)
List findByNameProjection(String name);
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.ReactiveFindByQueryOperationSupport$ReactiveFindByQuerySupport.lambda$null$1(ReactiveFindByQueryOperationSupport.java:100)
at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.onNext(FluxMap.java:106)
Give your query method a name beginning with “count” to indicate that it is a count() query.
The NPE occurs when spring-data-couchbase attempts to get the CAS from the query result.
Also - it’s safer to use #{#n1ql.selectEntity} instead of “SELECT …”
example from unit tests: @Query("#{#n1ql.selectEntity} WHERE #{#n1ql.filter} #{#projectIds != null ? ‘AND iata IN $1’ : ‘’} "
+ " #{#planIds != null ? ‘AND icao IN $2’ : ‘’} #{#active != null ? ‘AND false = $3’ : ‘’} ") @ScanConsistency(query = QueryScanConsistency.REQUEST_PLUS)
Long countFancyExpression(@Param(“projectIds”) List projectIds, @Param(“planIds”) List planIds, @Param(“active”) Boolean active);
Yes you are right on count query it works after applying yoursuggestions.
How about projections it wont work by changing the query as you suggested. ?? @Query(“SELECT name,code FROM #{n1ql.bucket} WHERE #{n1ql.filter} AND name = $1 ORDER BY name DESC”)
List findByNameProjection(String name);
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.springframework.data.couchbase.core.ReactiveFindByQueryOperationSupport$ReactiveFindByQuerySupport
Please clarify this one
@Query(“SELECT META(#{#n1ql.bucket}).id AS __id, META(#{#n1ql.bucket}).cas AS __cas, name, code FROM #{#n1ql.bucket} WHERE #{#n1ql.filter} AND name = $1 ORDER BY name DESC”)
List findByNameProjection(String name);
I use the interface as per the spec for projection as below.
public interface ProjectDetailDto {
public String getCode();
public String getName();
They messed up something internally, you’ll get a nullpointer whenever you use “SELECT something” instead of #{#n1ql.selectEntity}. I’ve reported the same issue here
In addition to the above I would like to draw your attention to the below scenario as well.
Lets say your entity A as below with a Field annotation
class A {
String y;
Then when I write a repository auto derived method as
public List findByY(String y)
Error is thrown at execution.Please see whether this is a bug or intended behaviour.
Lets say your entity A as below with a Field annotation
class A {
String y;
Then when I write a repository auto derived method as
public List findByY(String y)
Its returning empty results always.Isit the intended behaviour to have auto derived queries to work only when @Field(“tttt”) annotation is not present?
Still The property is saved as ‘x’ in couchbase, but the query is selecting on ‘y’. issue exists.
How are you determining it is selecting on ‘y’? Just because no result is being returned? Perhaps your find query method is not annotated with ScanConsistency(query=QueryScanConsistency.REQUEST_PLUS) ?
Ok - so this is different than Still The property is saved as ‘x’ in couchbase, but the query is selecting on ‘y’. issue exists.
That was fixed in #1066 in N1qlQueryCreator. This is an issue with with the field not being deserialized. Can you please open an issue for that? There is an issue for queries, where the projection list contains the property getName() instead of getFieldName(), but that won’t manifest in KV (ById) queries.
Yes it works fine with key value api.findById which uses keyvalue api works fine.But findAll which uses N1QL doesnot deserialize.Only N1QL doesnot deserialise properly.Issue 1184 covers that it seems.