Couchbase sync gateway pulling issue for authenticated users


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Here is the latest config file I have created.

“databases”: {
“batch-test”: {
“sync”: function (doc) { channel (doc.channels); },
“users”: {
“GUEST”: {
“disabled”: false,
“admin_channels”: [”
“couchbase_user”: {
“disabled”: false,
“admin_channels”: [”
“channels”:[““] ,
“password”: “mobile”
“CORS”: {
“Origin”: [”
“LoginOrigin”: [“*”],
“Headers”: [“Content-Type”],
“MaxAge”: 17280000

But it’s still the same issue. I have run the curl script you have shared. But it works for push not for pull. Pull works fine unauthenticated. Channel filtering works fine for the unauthenticated user as well. I can’t figure it out why it’s not working. I suspect its a issue with a configuration on the server or syncgateway.

I have attached the curl reques results, syncgateway logs and sample project as well. (1.3 KB) (19.7 KB)

Waiting for a solution since we have to complete the R&D Quickly. Thanks in advance


I am unable to download the attachments, they come down as 0KB.

I have created a GitHub issue

Can you add the attachments to that ticket, I should be able to retrieve them from there.


I have attached them