Couchbase-ui service has no endpoints on k8s

I’m new to couchbase
I just setup couchbase cluster on with couchbase operator. below are setup versions.

kubernetes cluster : v1.19.16
CouchBase Operator: v2.2.3
CouchBase : v7.0.5

Everything has worked okay until I modified CRD CouchbaseCluster yaml and applied it.
I changed two things.

  • couchbase clutster auth
  • data service memory

No endpoint for couchbase ui and tried to access to ui then i got 503.

From couchbase-cli nodes are healthy. any suggestions would be appreciated.

I created custom service to connect 8091 ports and pods(couchbase server). it works well
I don’t know why couchbase-ui service.yaml lost endpoints.
Temporarily, I might use custom service

Hi, I’m not really sure what’s happened.
Endpoint’s are created automatically by Kubernetes for the service - does the service exist?

Can you please let me know if this issue is fixed? I do face the same scenario where my endpoint was working before and NOT now.