I am running Couchbase 7.6.3 Enterprise version. We migrated Couchbase from an old server to a new one. The old server is RHEL 8, and the new one is RHEL 9 Linux. After completing the setup, backup, and restore, the CPU utilization of Couchbase is between 95%-99.9%. However, with the same configuration of 8 vCPUs and 64 GB RAM, it was working fine on the old server. We are stuck and don’t understand why this is happening. When we increased the new server’s configuration to 16 vCPUs and 64 GB RAM, it worked fine. We don’t want to increase our costs. Since it was working on the old server, it should work on the new server too, right?
Couchbase Server server backup
Which processes are using CPU?
I wonder if it is indexing or rebalancing or some other initialization for the new cluster.