CouchbaseError: Generic error message: 'Generic error', code: 10

I am trying to connect to couchbase using ottoman-node with the following code below.

ottoman.bucket = (new couchbase.Cluster(config.couchbase.test.server)).openBucket(config.couchbase.test.bucket, function (err) {
    if (err)
	console.log('Connection Error!', err);

    console.log('Connection Successful!');

But I get this error { CouchbaseError: Generic error message: 'Generic error', code: 10 }

Wha does this mean?

Hey @jofftiquez,

A few things can cause this to occur, can you show the string you are using for your connection string (config.couchbase.test.server)? Additionally, have you tried connecting to your Couchbase server from your application server with another tool such as cbc?

Cheers, Brett