'CouchbaseException' with message 'Generic network failure'

Hey guys,
i’ve just installed a new couchbase server and just installed c and php sdk’s.
i also have done the same (installation process) before successfully, but now…
i am using nginx on a centos 6 vps. what is causing this error? is c sdk the problem?


<?php $myCluster = new CouchbaseCluster('couchbase://localhost',user','pass'); $myBucket = $myCluster->openBucket('default'); ?>

#Stack trace:
#0 [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php(74): _CouchbaseBucket->__construct(‘couchbase://loc…’, ‘default’, ‘’)
#1 [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseCluster.class.php(61): CouchbaseBucket->__construct(‘couchbase://loc…’, ‘default’, ‘’)
#2 /usr/share/nginx/html/cb.php(5): CouchbaseCluster->openBucket(‘default’)
#3 {main} thrown in [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php on line 74

Hey mbk36,

It does not appear that your code matches the error. Additionally, are you only calling openBucket, and it crashes immediately there, or is there additional code after the openBucket.

Cheers, Brett

Hi Brett,
It just returns the error after interpreting second line(openBucket),there is no problem with first line.
And no, this is all of the code that i’m executing. I just tested C sdk and it is functional. There is no firewall on my vps. I guess there might be a problem with php sdk.