class CouchbaseMetaDoc#9 (5) {
public $error => NULL
public $value => string(21) '{"name": "Palaiseau"}',
public $flags => int(0)
public $cas => string(9) "xc7a86cyc"
public $token => NULL
I try to find type of each properties.
value is obviously mixed PHP type.
flags is int PHP type.
cas is string PHP type.
token ? dunno I can’t have a case where token is filled, i think it’s string.
error ? According to this post Flags in CouchbaseMetaDoc Object it seems to be a CouchbaseException object.
But i can’t have a case where error is filled. When there is a problem (like no such key), i got an exception and no CouchbaseMetaDoc object.
So can you help me to find type of token and error please.