Server: Couchbase EE 4.0.0 (on Ubuntu 14.04LTS)
Node.js 4.2.1
Couchbase 2.1.2
I’m able to successfully connect, write, query, using the smart client SDK with the example below (WORKING). But as soon as I try to leverage the SSL connection version it breaks (BREAKING). I can’t find any working documentation for smart client SDK in node for SSL. Critical path as we are assessing NoSQL backends for a new Angular/Node app and everything else around couchbase is very appealing. Just can’t be caught in a situation where we are missing a critical item.
Any support here would be appreciated.
var cluster = new cb.Cluster(“couchbases://mycbserver.local”);
Node throws:
CouchbaseError: The requested feature is not supported by the client, either because of settings in the configured instance, or because of options disabled at the time the library was compiled
var cluster = new cb.Cluster(“couchbase://mycbserver.local”);
var bucket = cluster.openBucket(“default”, function(bucketErr){
if (bucketErr){
else {
bucket.insert(‘’, {name: ‘TestUser’}, function (upsertErr, upsertRes) {
if (upsertErr) {
else {