This is my first experience with couchbase. I’m trying to follow these instructions, but am getting an error:
Next, go to the “Analytics” tab. You will see a screen that looks very similar to the normal N1QL Query Workbench.
First, create an analytics bucket. This bucket will correspond to a regular Couchbase bucket. Simply enter a command like this: CREATE BUCKET ticketsAnalytics WITH {"name":"tickets"};
I modified the query to match a bucket I already have:
CREATE BUCKET gs WITH {"name":"gensim-sample"};
After executing the query in the analytics tab, I receive:
"Syntax error: In line 1 >>CREATE BUCKET gs WITH {"name":"gensim-sample"};;<< Encountered "BUCKET" at column 8. "
The DDL (data definition language) has changed a bit since the blog post was published originally in June.
We added a note at the beginning of the blog post pointing to @hod.greeley’s post Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service that describes the changes. @bpiel, could you take a look at that post and see if it gets you going?