CreateManager using credentials from app.config

I have an .net app where I have my connection info and bucket credentials in my app.config

I am trying to get hold of the ClusterManager, using the credentials from my config file

I can do the following to get a bucket without entering credentials.

	var cluster = ClusterHelper.Get();
	var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("mybucket");

I can use the credentials for this bucket to get the ClusterManager (my bucket name is the same as my bucket username)

	var cluster = ClusterHelper.Get();
	var manager = cluster.CreateManager("mybucket", "mybucketpwd");

But I canā€™t find a way to get the manager without programatically providing the password to createmanager, even though the CreateManager method does have a parameterless call.

	var cluster = ClusterHelper.Get();
	var manager = cluster.CreateManager();

This throws an exception

	System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException occurred
	  Message=No credentials found.

Is there a way of achieving this? I dont have a problem providing the bucket name (or username) as a parameter, since itā€™s a constant in my code. I guess I could traverse the config xml and get the password I need, but it seems like a clumsy solution.

Iā€™m using Couchbase 5.0.0 and CouchbaseNetClient 2.5.2
and my config section looks like this

    <couchbase useSsl="false">
        <add uri="http://localhost:8091/pools"></add>
        <add name="mybucket" password="mybucketpwd" />

Thanks in advance


You should try switching to the new authentication method, instead of the old bucket password method. To do that, drop ā€œpasswordā€ from your bucket. Then add and tags within the section:

    <couchbase useSsl="false">
        <add uri="http://localhost:8091/pools"></add>
        <add name="mybucket" />

Make sure the user you supply has been granted access to your bucket as well as to any cluster management functions required.


Thanks for that, I wasnā€™t aware of this change to the config - weā€™ve only just upgraded from 4.5.1 to 5.0.0 and hadnā€™t paid attention to changes in the clientā€™s authentication method. We had 3 buckets each with their own user and pwd, but I donā€™t see why we shouldnā€™t just have one user for all buckets.

Iā€™m just trying to test this out, but am currently having a little trouble adding in the and elements to my config - having added them just like your config snippet, and using ClusterHelper.Initialize(ā€œcouchbaseClients/couchbaseā€) Iā€™m getting a System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException - ā€œProperty ā€˜usernameā€™ is not a ConfigurationElement.ā€ I canā€™t see why this is a problem, Iā€™ve tried with 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 , the source in Git for the CouchbaseClientSection seems to define the config element for username just as Iā€™d expect. Oh well, Iā€™ve probably done something dumb here, hope Iā€™ll figure it out eventually.

Hi @Columbo

The username and password fields are properties of the root configuration section, not sub-nodes. This example config works for me connecting to a 5.0 Couchbase cluster using .NET client 2.5.3:

    <section name="couchbase" type="Couchbase.Configuration.Client.Providers.CouchbaseClientSection, Couchbase.NetClient" />
<couchbase username="mike" password="secure123">
        <add uri="" />
        <add name="travel-sample" />

With this code:

class Program
    static void Main()
        using (var cluster = new Cluster("couchbase"))
           var manager = cluster.CreateManager();
           var result = manager.ListBuckets();
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That was it, I had been staring at that problem longer than Iā€™d care to admit - thank you!

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Sorry, my mistake. I guess I should have looked that up instead of going from memory. :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s ok, I should really have learned to read a config section handler by now

Hi Mike, Could you please help with the below

how to configure CertificateFactory with cert details in config?