I am trying to test my conflict handling code but am unsure if its possible to create a conflict using only 1 device.
Here is what I have tried so far:
CBLDocument instance1 = [database existingDocumentWithID: someId];
CBLDocument instance2 = [database existingDocumentWithID: someId];
[instance1 modifyProperties];
[instance2 modifyProperties];
[instance1 save];
[instance2 save];
When instance1 is saved I get revision 2.
When instance2 is saved I get revision 3.
What I expected was to have 2 revision 2’s after calling the second save which would require my code to resolve the conflict and create a revision 3 with the merged changes. Instead I get a revision 3 with only the changes from instance2.
How can I create 2 revision 2’s so that my conflict handling code can execute?