Hi All!
As I learn more and more about Couchbase -> I’m getting more confident about -> it will be a super handy-dandy NoSql tool for me =D
I had to append our API because of this smart Couchbase feature ->
It is also possible to override the default ExecutorService
implementation with a custom one. This may be needed if the default behavior (Basically a upper-bounded cachedThreadPool) does not suite your needs. Also, you should use this approach if you create a bunch of CouchbaseClient
instances so you can share the same service across all of them
* Returns our executor service instance.
* Why?!! For example Couchbase supporting to set/use our executor service
* instead of -> the default one (in the client driver) ;D
* Factory types newSingleThreadExecutor() newCachedThreadPool() newFixedThreadPool()
* newScheduledThreadPool().
* @see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/Executors.html
* @return the executor service
public ExecutorService getExecutorService() {
return (executorService);
Sounds interesting -> go ahead and read this blog post:
I’ve used the RDM Server for OLTP very long time -> I’m happy because we have a NATIVE API again!
Thank You Guys
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