I am building an app leveraging couchbase as the backend and I am at a little bit of a fork in the road in terms of data schema: I can either have large deeply nested document requiring lots of unnesting OR I can go with flatter more simple documents requiring lots of joins.
I have a traditional database background where I would have a bunch of tables with foreign keys referencing other tables, but json affords us the flexibility to do it a different way, so my question is: from a couchbase perspective, which one is the most performant: doing unnesting on large deeply nested documents or doing joins on small flatter documents?
Here is an example: I have a document called race that looks like this in a deeply nested large document (such document in the app, could be over 3,000 lines long):
"raceid": "blahblahblah",
"boats": [
"crews": [
"checkedin": true
or I can have bunch of smaller flatter documents representing the same thing, like this ( but then I would have 100,000s documents):
Which is will provide me with the best performance? I feel like it is #2, but I am not sure as I see everyone seems to have larger deeply nested documents.
Thanks a lot in advance,