Dependency Injection for different Clusters in Core?

Could you please describe how to add the Dependency Injection for different Clusters in Core?

Connecting to multiple Couchbase Clusters from the core. Suppose, we are connecting to multiple different couchbase clusters from my application which have different server/nodes

As per the documentation here, the following is the suggested approach for connecting to single cluster with multiple buckets passing in the Couchbase configuration. This works fine for a single cluster.

    .AddCouchbaseBucket<ITravelSampleBucketProvider>("travel-sample", "password");

Is there a code sample as to configure the DI, when we need to connect to a different cluster having a different address, and buckets?

    .AddCouchbaseBucket<ITravelSampleBucketProvider>("travel-sample", "password");

        .AddCouchbaseBucket<ITravelSampleBucketProvider>("beer-sample", "password");

@abhinav.galodha -

I don’t know if it’s possible because the DI extensions registers the cluster as a singleton lifetime service. If it is possible it would be done the same as you have done here, but I suspect it will override what you set with “Couchbase1” cluster.

I am curious, why do you need multiple clusters? A cluster can contain multiple buckets; as long as you don’t add dozens of buckets.


I am curious, why do you need multiple clusters? A cluster can contain multiple buckets; as long as you don’t add dozens of buckets.

We are a part of a big enterprise where different team owns their own clusters and our API needs to communicate with the multiple clusters.

Any solution?. I have same problem

There is not an official solution for multi-cluster dependency injection at this time. I’ve started some work to add support, but I’m not really happy about the API surface right now. Until then, the best I can recommend is to manage the instances and DI yourself rather than a built-in library.

In case it’s any help, I just pushed up my WIP for adding this support: