Do I need to use CBLUITableSource when I use tableView in Couchbase application?

Do I need to use CBLUITableSource when I use tableView in Couchbase application?
How do you connect dataSource to Table Source in all your TableView Controller as it is done in Grocery Sync and ToDoLite examples?

No, you don’t need to use CBLUITableSource. It’s just convenient.

How do you connect dataSource to Table Source in all your TableView Controller as it is done in Grocery Sync and ToDoLite examples?

In Interface Builder, usually. Look at the xib files in the example projects.

I usually see first responder, exit(inside placeholder) and controller name. Can’t find a Table Source in there. How do get Table Source? I don’t have an icon for table source. How do you get that Icon? Can I use regular table View protocols to populate the cells from couch base bucket/documents instead of CBLUITableSource?

In TodoLite-iOS, the MasterViewController populates the table view using a LiveQuery, KVO and the UITableViewDataSource.

DetailViewController uses a CBLUITableSource to wire up the LiveQuery results into the table view. It’s initialized in Interface Builder.

You can check this answer for an example on initializing CBLUITableSource in code.
