after this, I do “docker-compose down” and it destroys the container, and after I run again “docker-compose up -d”. And now, when I go to web console, there is this
That information is stored in the container in /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb/local.ini, unfortunately. You can add that path as an additional bind point in your docker-compose file, eg.
For this to work, you must ensure that the local file (/var/docker/couchbase/couchdb-local.ini in my example) exists and is writable by UID 1000 before bringing the service up.
You can’t just mount the entire /opt/couchbase/etc/couchdb directory because there are other files in there which Server expects to exist when it first starts; it won’t start if that directory is empty. It appears that it’s OK if that one specific file etc/couchdb/local.ini is an empty file when first starting, however.